Maintaining Your Maltese’s Health

July 12, 2018

Finding Maltese puppies for sale right here at Furry Babies is simple, but what may not be as simple is keeping the health of your new pup in tip-top shape.

We’re here to give you some useful tips for the lifetime of your dog! We are going to discuss the diet of your pup and how you can make the Maltese puppies for sale that you have in your homes live their best lives! Below are some tips for preparing the perfect homemade meal for your Maltese.

The Meats

Meat should be 45% – 50% of your Maltese’s diets, so you will want to select lean meat. Organic meats are preferred, as they don’t contain antibiotics, preservatives, or any other substances that can affect her size. The Maltese puppies for sale that you’ve purchased are tiny, but with an improper diet, they can get large and that’s no-no! Because Maltese dogs originated on the island of Malta, there was more fowl than fish, so you’ll find that your pup will digest turkey, chicken, and canned or fresh fish better.

All meat should be cooked thoroughly by baking, stewing or sautéing. Defat juices by chilling and removing solidified fat. When serving, use ground meat or chop the meat in very small pieces, after all you’re serving a very small dog! If you give your newly purchased Maltese puppies for sale fish, flake the fish and check for bones several times. (This doesn’t apply to canned, soft fish.)

The Starches

Starches should make up 10% – 20% of your pup’s diet. There are mixed opinions about which is best for dogs – white rice or brown rice. Some say that the former is pure starch containing no real nutritional value. The latter, however, some say is too hard to digest. As a medium, use enriched white rice for your Maltese or pasta, which they’re known to love.

Rice can be boiled and served al dente to soft. For pasta, you must boil until it’s completely soft. Cut into small pieces to serve.

The Veggies

Lastly vegetables should be 35% – 40% of your Maltese’s diet. You’ll want choose fresh vegetables like green beans, carrots, peas, squash, and sweet potatoes. Canned pumpkin can be given to Maltese puppies for sale to add minerals and fiber to their diets. Pumpkin aids in providing good digestive health and making your pup feel full.  

When preparing veggies, steam or stew them until they’re fork-tender. Afterwards, you can mince or puree them, before serving to your Maltese.

Word of caution:

  • Avoid all members of the onion family, which include garlic and leeks, because too much can be toxic for dogs.
  • Leafy greens like kale and spinach are great for humans and we can digest them easily, but it’s difficult for dogs. Dogs have shorter digestive tracts.
  • The color of tomatoes and beets may cause eye staining, to which Maltese dogs are prone. Avoid them, as well.


Now that you’ve got the ingredients and know how to prepare them, it’s time to combine the meat, the starches, and the veggies while they’re still hot. Depending on the amount you prepared, you can stretch the meal for a few days by freezing the remainder. Before serving to your Maltese, thaw to room temperature and watch your newly purchased Maltese puppies for sale eat and enjoy!